This past weekend Camie, Lachlynn, and I went down to Gettysburg, PA. It was a very somber place, almost a sacred feeling permeated the battlefields. I was overcome with reverence for the men who would lay down their lives fighting for their country. Now I know that I have already published a post about America, and freedom, however, I felt that it is appropriate to take a moment and honor the men and women who give their lives fighting for this great country. As I we were driving listening to our auto tour, I couldn't help but think of the individual soldiers. The tour talked about how at night, during the three days of battle, the air was filled with the screams of pain, and cries for home. Many of the soldiers were only 18 or 19. I tend to think that maybe the politics behind the war wasn't the reason these boys were fighting. I doubt many of them knew all of the politics behind the war, but what they did know was the founding principles of this great nation. The basic belief and attitude of "what can I do for my country", (NOT what my country can do for me). I honor those men. Those that fought in the bloodiest battle on American soil, and anyone, man or woman, who is willing to fight for their country. My Grampy was one of those men, he fought in WWII. I think if he were here right now he would say that it was a privileged to serve his country. I hope and pray for that attitude to stay with us today and that we ask ourselves What can I do for my Country. If the majority of Americans keep that spirit alive then we will be able to uphold this quote from the Gettysburg Address: " that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. "
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Diamond #10
While watching a popular T.V. show last night this diamond hit me harder than any diamond ever has. Camie and I have been following the sad story of John and Kate plus eight. After what has seemed like forever, they finally announced last night that they are separating. It broke my heart to see two people who once were deeply in love now feel like there is no way to work things out. Camie and I have always enjoyed watching the show to see what it is like to raise sextuplets and twins. But last night I decided that I can't watch it anymore. During the entire hour long episode I didn't feel one good or uplifting feeling, in fact I felt quite the opposite. I felt so sad and depressed and I didn't like it. By no means is John and Kate the only couple whose divorce is exploited for ratings or viewers. All I know is I have never seen any article in any magazine that celebrates the marriages that last (at least not very often). Those people who have weathered the storms that life throws and stayed together through it all. So this Diamond is dedicated to Karl and Blanche Welker Logan. Karl and Blanche were married 70 years ago on June 23, 1939 in the Salt Lake Temple. Parents of seven children, they have 28 grandchildren and 45 great-grandchildren. Why is there no reality T.V. show about them? It could be called 70 years and counting, or maybe Karl and Blanche plus 80. Now I found out about Karl and Blanche through the church news published June 20, 2009. Not exactly the 10 million viewers that watched the sad relationship of John and Kate come to an end last night on cable. Now I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about this post. I hope to not be offensive to anyone, including John and Kate. That is not my purpose. My purpose is to celebrate and bring light to true accomplishment where it is due. 70 years is a long long time, and it has always been and still is one of my life goals to make it into the church news "milestones of togetherness" column. So Camie you better buckle down because like it or not we are in this for the long haul. Well in conclusion I just want to say here's to you Karl and Blanche way to be an example to all married couples everywhere of a marriage that lasts. Karl and Blanche's marriage is truly a diamond amongst black velvet.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Diamond #9
I know it has been awhile since I posted but things have been kind of busy. This Diamond holds a special place in my heart because of the time I spent there as a missionary. Spain is trully a wonderfull place filled with tradition, culture, and great people. I met some of my closest friends on my mission, and I learned more in those two years about myself, the gospel, and people in genral, than I had in my previous 19 years. I loved being out there and preaching the gospel. Testifing of the importance of Christ and His church. The people of Spain are truly a great people. I miss them. So heres to Spain. I will never forget the 2 years I spent walking your streets, and talking to your people. Spain truly is a Diamond for me.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Diamond #8
Well its been awhile and this diamond will be short, but I really wanted to express how gratefull I am for the gifts of the spirit. I teach the 17-18 year old Sunday school class in my ward, and this past week the lesson was on the gifts of the spirit. There was a few quotes that really struck me as profound and I want to share them:
Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the Quorum of the Twelve said some “less-conspicuous gifts” include “the gift of asking; the gift of listening; the gift of hearing and using a still, small voice; … the gift of avoiding contention; the gift of being agreeable; … the gift of seeking that which is righteous; the gift of not passing judgment; the gift of looking to God for guidance; the gift of being a disciple; the gift of caring for others; the gift of being able to ponder; the gift of offering prayer; the gift of bearing a mighty testimony; and the gift of receiving the Holy Ghost” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1987, 23; or Ensign, Nov. 1987, 20).
President George Q. Cannon taught: “If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for the gift that will make us perfect. Have I imperfections? I am full of them. What is my duty? To pray to God to give me the gifts that will correct these imperfections. If I am an angry man, it is my duty to pray for charity, which suffereth long and is kind. Am I an envious man? It is my duty to seek for charity, which envieth not. So with all the gifts of the Gospel. They are intended for this purpose. No man ought to say, ‘Oh, I cannot help this; it is my nature.’ He is not justified in it, for the reason that God has promised to give strength to correct these things, and to give gifts that will eradicate them” (Millennial Star, 23 Apr. 1894, 260).
I just thought those gifts that we really don't think about as being gifts of the spirit really are diamonds
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Diamond #7
One of the greatest blessings we have on the earth today is living prophets. I love the story of Hugh B Brown where he talks about a profile of a prophet. For those of you who haven't read it, I will give the short version. Basically he talks about how he was having a discussion with a prominent judge and the judge asked Bro. Brown to prepare a short on why he believed that God spoke to prophets today. Bro Brown basically gave one of the best responses I have ever heard. He says " why would God not speak to his children? Maybe he has lost the Power?" The Judge said "of course that would be blasphemous!" "Well Ok then maybe God doesn't want to talk to us anymore, maybe we have become so wicked that God doesn't love us any more."Said Bro. Brown. Then the Judge said " No God loves his children, he always has and always will love his children." "Well then"Said Bro Brown "If God Still has the power to talk to us, and he still loves us, then we must not need him, we must have made such great strides in science and technology, that we don't need the voice of God heard on the earth today." The Judge teared up and said "Hugh, never in the history of the world has God's voice been needed more." He went on to say "So what your telling me is that God DOES talk to his children today?" Then Bro. Brown bore his testimony that yes God does speak, and yes he did appear to the prophet Joseph in a grove of trees. The Judge said " I hope your people realize the importance of what you just told me. If what you say is true it is the greatest news since the angels announced the ressurection of Christ." So I add my testimony to the testimony of Hugh B Brown, God does talk to his children through his annointed prophets. We were able to listen to their words this past weekend and I testify that yes they are indeed prophets who give special witness of Christ. If we give heed to their council we can live more fullfilling, productive lives. I know this is true because the spirit is testifing it to me right now. There are few Diamonds greater than knowing that God cares enough about us and our welfare to place his ordained representatives here so that we can know His will for us.
P.S. If anyone wants to read the full Hugh B Brown story here is the link. <>
P.S. If anyone wants to read the full Hugh B Brown story here is the link. <>
Friday, March 27, 2009
Diamond #6
Well it has been awhile since my last post, but my excuse is that I have been with my wife as she brought our new baby into the world. Which leads perfectly into my next diamond: little girls.
Our daughter Lachlynn was born last Thursday and I must say that God sure packs allot of love in that little 7lb 7oz baby. She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Camie and I. We love her with all of our hearts. But I think that the thing that makes her a diamond is not just the fact that she is so cute, but the overall dependence she has on Camie and I. It has made us be allot less selfish and really have to forget some of the things that we once enjoyed. Having a baby means sacrifice, we have to sacrifice allot of things. But it is worth it, everytime she cuddles up to me and she fits inside my hand on my chest I think of how I would give anything for this child. No sacrafice is to great, if it is for her best interest. I think it gives us a little glimps of what God must feel towards his children. It has really given me a new perspective on our relationship with God. If I as a mortal, and can only feel as mortals can, am able to feel this much love for my little girl, I can't even imagine God's love, which is perfect. I know our children are sent down here to remind us of God's love. What a diamond.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Diamond #5
Well Diamond # 5 is music. What would this world be without music. Most of my family is really musically inclined, but being the black sheep of the family in regards to musical talent, hated practicing piano more than going to the dentist. But I must say that good music can open a part of our soul that words just can't touch. When I was on my mission one night I woke up in absolute agony. I couldn't feel the spirit, I felt inadiquate as a missionary, and I felt as if I didn't get out of this slump that I was in, I would never be able to teach anyone anything about the joy of the gospel. I laid awake for a long time until I finally couldn't take it anymore. I went into my study room and pulled out a hymn book. I turned to Be Still My Soul and sang all 3 verses. It was almost immediate that I felt the depression completly dissapate. I was filled with a feeling of complete joy and hope. Music truly is a diamond.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Diamond #4
Although it is not the 4th of July, I just wanted to give my shout out to our great country. She certainly has her problems, but boy I love America. While I was on my mission to Madrid, Spain, I realized that America has so many things that make her great. My Grandpa served in WWII and I never realized what it means to go serve your country. To give up the comforts of home and family, and fight for a cause that is so important. While in Spain I saw the effects of religious persecution. People, when forced to believe a certain way, grow callused to God and his laws. Eventhough there has been freedom of religion for over 30 years in Spain, the residual effects still exist. However, in America, freedom of religion has always been protected. That is what this great country is founded on, freedom to believe any way you want and not be forced to beleive a certain way. I could go on for hours about why I am so gratefull to live in America but I think Rodney Adkins has a new song that really says every thing I want to say:drivin' down the street today i saw a sign for lemonade there were the cutest kids i'd ever seen in this front yard as they handed me my glass smilin' thinkin to myself man what a picture perfect postcard this would make of America it's a high school prom, it's a Springsteen song, it's a ride in a Chevrolet it's a man on the moon, it's fireflies in June, and kids sellin' lemonade it's cities and farms, it's open arms, one nation under God it's america later on when I got home I flipped the TV on I saw a little town that some big twister tore apart and people came from miles around just to help their neighbors out I was thinkin' to myself I'm so glad that I live in America it's a high school prom, it's a Springsteen song, it's a ride in a Chevrolet it's a man on the moon, and fireflies in June, and kids sellin' lemonade it's cities and farms, it's open arms, one nation under God it's america now we don't always get it all right there's no place else I'd rather build my life a dancing kid with a chance it's a rock-n-roll band it's a farmer cuttin' hay it's a big flag flyin' in the summer wind over a fallen heros grave it's a high school prom, it's a Springsteen song, it's a welcome home parade it's a man on the moon, it's fireflies in June, and kids sellin' lemonade it's cities and farms, it's open arms, one nation under God it's america
I love how it says "we don't always get it all right but there's no place else I'd rather build my life" That pretty much sums it up. America is truly a diamond.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Diamond #3
Well I would have to say that the diamond of the day is spring. What a beautiful time as the world shakes off the cold, and blooms with beautiful colors. I always have loved spring. Maybe its because it means my birthday is right around the corner, maybe its because I can wears shorts and short sleeve shirts again. Maybe it is the fact that winter semester is almost over. Well whatever the reason is, a warm spring day seems to bring more smiles and seems to just be full with possibilities. Of all these reasons I think my favorite reason for spring is the symbolism of the resurrection. God has given us this great physical reminder that the grave is not the end. On the third day after his crucification Jesus Christ Broke the bonds of death and sin by coming forth out of the seplechure. What an event. Try to imagine it if you can, I know we actually saw it happen and rejoiced with all the angels of heaven when it did, but try to remember watching Christ come from the grave in triumphant victory. "O death where is thy sting, O grave, where is thy victory" (1 Cor. 15:55) I think that is why we have spring, so we will never forget that wonderful morning of the resurrection.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Diamond #2
My second Diamond is Temples. There is no other place on earth where God has specifically designed for his children to be at peace. Every time I go to the temple I am just amazed at how wonderful the spirit is. In the temple we make sacred covenants with God so that we can live better lives. We can be sealed as families so that no matter what happens here on earth, as long as we stay faithful, we can live together as families throughout the eternities. That to me is a great diamond.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The First Diamond
Well just in case you still don't understand what this blog is all about, I am attempting to create some happiness in this world that desperately needs it. One of my favorite quotes from Preach My Gospel is: "As a diamond displayed on black velvet appears more brilliant, so the Restoration stands in striking contrast to the dark background of the Great Apostasy." In the same thread, I am trying to create some diamonds to contrast against this great black velvet world that we live in. The first diamond I want to share is the diamond of family. My family means the world to me. I love my wife Camie, and my little girl Lachlynn more than anything in the world. But I also really am so glad that I live so close to family. My parents and 2 sisters live in Salt Lake and it has been so fun to be able to see them all the time. Camie's family has always been so nice to me ever since I started dating Camie, and I love coming to Sunday dinners and being able to catch up with them. I also had a great time recently with my family going to my sisters wedding. It was so fun to see all my siblings that I don't get to see all the time. My family is definitely a diamond in my life. They bring great happiness to my life.
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